Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Young Ambassador

Bismillah al-rahman al-raheem,

"Our high school time was a total joke" (the-one-who-should-not-be-named,2011)

Wow, really?! hmm...

Yesterday, I went to Safford Middle School in Tucson for a participation in cultural presentation. Well, I was supposed to be helping my Saudi friend, Hala, to present some cultural stuff in Arabic. Turned out, she made me my own slides to talk about Malaysia. How lovely! oh wait, in Arabic though...

Those kids are the IB's candidates and they choose (rather have to) take elementary Arabic class. Cool, no need to pull out fancy-fancy words out of my head and just be me, quarter-fluent speaker.

Very often, American kids were somehow very keen to know more about something that was "bizarre" to them. Non of them ever heard about Malaysia before. How sad...Nevertheless, they finally gained new insights about the location of Malaysia on the globe, and diversity of cultures that the country has.

It was not quiet a surprise when few students finally asked about muhajabah in Malaysia and in Saudi. Some of them speculated the constraints of wearing hijab to do daily life and why would they have to hide something precious they have, when they can be proud of them? 

As a Geology major student, my outfits did not get in the way for me to do outdoors. I still can do hiking, camping and whatever I want without removing my hijab, and the explanation goes on and on and on....

I see this opportunity as a platform to have them dwell more into Islam, insyaAllah. There'll be more presentations coming up! Your high/middle school would not be a joke! (Volunteering works are my pleasure!)

Obedience and good words. And when the matter [of fighting] was determined, if they had been true to Allah , it would have been better for them.[47:21]

*Dakwah itu dalam pelbagai cara, untuk yg tua, muda, remaja dan semua. Sampaikanlah Islam itu walau sekecil-kecil menjadi contoh yang baik kepada mereka kerana sesungguhnya Muslim Mukmin yang hebat itu, bukan hanya menjaga ibadahnya sendiri, bahkan mengajak manusia lain kepada jalan tauheed.  Perjalanan dakwah itu pula, bukanlah ditaburi bunga-bunga yang harum, walhal duri-duri yang amat menyakitkan sekali. Walau apa pun, para dai'e tidak akan pernah keseorangan, Allahu ma'ana :) *

Halaqah Spring 2012

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