The secret recipe of a delicious, compel-to-eat meal lies behind its flavor. Often, the cook would not going to share the secrets as not to loose his or her benefits. However, I am not among those who reluctant to share good things. The only secret to an instant awesome recipe is a recitation of "Bismillah al-rahman al-rahim". Easy right?
This is also true with the secret of the flavor of soul. One has to have flavor of soul in order to keep the spirit alive and in peace. One way to do that is by filling the void of the heart by having knowledge. The holy Quran, aside from it's beauty of powerful language and advocates oneness of God, serves as the book of guidance. Believe it or not, it contains knowledge that are parallel to modern day findings. Allah has made and describe the universe precisely in Quran, but mankind are just too ignorant to see that. However, one have to be careful and always be reminded to keep down and humble as not to make the knowledge worthless. The urge to seek for knowledge is in congruent with Rasulullah SAW's first revelation which was asking the Messenger to read, few times.
Worth Reading:
1,2,3 to be continued..