Bismillah al-rahman al-raheem
What is the secret to longevity?
Syed Qutb, was once a prominent revolutionary figure wrote in his book about the secret to longevity. His idea was proven throughout the entire history of mankind. He, himself is still "alive" in his idea of longevity. Unbelievable? His name was recorded and still mentioned in any revolutionary history books. A prominent figure, tremendous influence, burn jihad flame within shabab until now.
According to Syed Qutb, strive and struggle with good intention are the ingredients to keep one alive. He was imprisoned for taking up justice on his head, hated by the Western for his extreme dogma of religion. Nonetheless, he survived in every hearts of mujahidin today. Every commemorations find his name from lips to lips, from books to books, from cultures to cultures across the world. To this day, his struggle inspires shabab to continue spreading the risalah at-tauheed. To this day too, in every souls, lived the inspiring great Muslim, not only figures, but also great thinkers such as Hassan al-Banna, Fathi Yakan and a lot more to be mentioned here.
Thanks to these great thinkers, their advice and their thoughts enlighten the spirit of dakwah, breezing in the atmosphere of jihad and calming those restless souls. SubhanaAllah, how much these thinkers inspired by you, ya Rasulullah..lau kana bainana...
Today is the big day, as part of the Tucson's Muslim community, even a single vote counts. I recalled my conversation with my father few years back, why everyone has to vote? Why bother voting if you can't even make any change?
"Allah will ask you on the Day, what do you do for Islam? If you can't go on a battle, do your best with amar ma'ruf wa nahi munkar"-I miss you dad.
Today is a big day again.
For 22 years,
Thanks mak,
For giving me the opportunity to see the beautiful world,
Thanks ayah,
For your hardship, for your love and for your inspirations,
Thanks adik,
For being a good adik, a loyal friend of mine
Thanks all,
For being there,
In my frame of life,
Making this journey beautiful and exciting!
Abi Barzah al-Aslami r.a, dari Nabi SAW:
"Tidak berganjak kedua kaki seseorang dari tempat berdirinya di mahkamah Tuhan pada hari kiamat sehingga ia disoal tentang umurnya pada perkara apakah ia dihabiskan"
Doakan kakak jadi anak yang solehah dunia akhirat! :)
30th March 1990
Sabak Bernam, Sel.