Friday, April 27, 2012

Serangan Ketam

Bismillah al-rahman al-raheem

It's been a long time since my last piece of writing here. Though I have a lot of assignments due before the finals, I couldn't resist the temptation to at least write a nice sentence in my blog! << so here goes the sentence! :D

Kindly enjoy the crabby photos taken last night while I was helping my roommate to cook ketam masak lemak:

Ni lah mangsa kami semalam!

Believe it or not, ketam ni still alive!

Siap sedia!

Terjun dalam air! 

Oh no! ketam ni hidup lagi, we have no idea nak buat mcm mane =.=' cepat lah "lemas" wahai ketam!

After the battle with those vigorous ketam, ni lah hasilnya! ketam masak lemak!

You probably wondering how to make this can? (I know you don't, just pretend you don't know ok!)

You need:
-Ketam (of course)
-Kunyit hidup + turmeric powder (if tak cukup kuning)
-red onion + garlic
-Cili (American kata pepper ya adik-adik)
-Belacan (kalau ade)
-Coconut milk a.k.a santan

So.....blend everything out, EXCEPT for the ketam - rosak lah blender/mixer tu nanti!
Then, tumis sampai wangi, masuk ketam and santan. Done!

- oh well, forgot about the lemon grass, tomatoes and asam keping ( I like it to be a little masam), masuk juga lah.

Have fun cooking everyone! Don't forget to begin your cooking with bismillah! :)

  *Cooking is really a cool thing to do after you finish stack of papers, assignments, + studying (izzati,2012)


  1. rumah kitorang blender bnyk so bole tak blender ketam tu skali biar cepat masak?

  2. Dasyatnye blender korang! Boleh2, sila cuba, nanti kalau berjaya bgtahu okay? :D
