Sunday, April 8, 2012

Celebration of Knowledge

Bismillah al-rahman al-raheem

Forsake Your Sleep

After 2 weeks (not 2 months) of hard work trying to finish piles of work, homework, assignments, exams, test and the list goes on and on...I finally have time to write here. It's really unfair to only work on my 6 papers of Geophysics, but leaving this blog of mine outdated. Stress? No, but I need to breath fresher air. Not the atmosphere of Tucson. Thanks to my lovely graduating seniors for organizing a "field trip" to Chiricahua National Monument. Located in the East side of Arizona, it took us two hours to drive there. 

Some words are better unexpressed,
Some expressions too, are better left unwritten,
But the reminiscence of the journey will be framed in every minds 
of us   

Enjoy the kodak-moments!


SubhanaAllah....we are almost there, 7000ft above the sea level

Pinacles a.k.a standing rocks, formed due to ice wedging, also favored by wind erosion. This area is rhyolite dominated mountain

The pinacles do look like pipe =.='

Eh, winter sonata road! (Husna, 2012)

Picnic time

Two graduating seniors, Husna n Ikhwan along with soon-to-be kak Liza n her all-time favorite buddy, Aliff. Ni lah seniors terhebat UA!

Kusut masai

After fire May 2011

Hidupan baru -  blooming flora

This is where we hiked up


Exposed Rhyolite

SubhanaAllah! Look at those pinnacles!

Balanced rock

Tengah hari terik - perjalanan harus diteruskan

Husna in her cocoon - well everyone managed to  get up there,  trust me, tinggi sangat nak panjat masuk dalam ni

Step-like joints

Spot the cicak!

Remember 2011 fire in Arizona? I was in Malaysia at that time

Hello, my name in Mexican Jay - serious macam watak angry birds kale biru tu

Soon, kalau panjang umur, after 20 years, kami nak hike ke sini  lagi insyaAllah!

Hari dah nak gelap. It's time to go home
It's time to continue doing unfinished homework.

Let the celebration of knowledge begins..... 

Celebration of knowledge =  exam = good luck everyone!


  1. wah!!!bestnye org tu!!!bile2 nk jugak pegi!!!bawak I please!! :D

  2. zati tinggalkan syafa? ingatkan korang dua ni tak bole btol trip korang ni.abes semua bahasa geology keluar and nak kena refresh balik otak sebb dah lupa pasal term2 smua tu

  3. Syafa:
    hehe, tu laa, tak nak ikut hari tu :D it's okay, nanti kita pergi tempat lain, boleh pergi Pantagonia lake, kita picnic kat sana pulak insyaAllah okay? ^_^

    mane ade tinggalkan syafa, umpama tinggalkan separuh jiwa tu, hehe
    haih, tak education pun, feeling dia lain kalau ikut field trip cikgu, yang ni tak tension,, ha, sila refresh geology terms tu,dengan cara, pergilah tadabbur alam DAN apply knowledge tu

  4. batu bata je sume.. google sudeyh :p hihi

  5. Bukan sebarang batu ni pah T_T
    ni lah anak-anak muda sekarang, semua nak google je :D (terasa tua lah pulak!)
